Tejfel V.G. - Observations of the cyclone on Mars in 1999. Proc. National Acad.Sci. Kazakhstan, Ser.Phys.-Math., 2000, No.4, p.39-43 (in Russian)
Tejfel V.G. - The space-time asymmetry of atmospheric properties of Saturn. 32-nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, March 12-16, 2001, Abstr.N 1315
Tejfel V.G. - Global changes on Saturn from 1971 to 2000. European Geophysical Society General Assembly. Nice, France, March 27-30, 2001, Abstr. N PS025
Tejfel V.G., Kharitonova G.A. - Zonal differences in Jupiter’s atmosphere from CCD-photometry of planetary disk in continuum. Astron.vestnik, 2001, v.35, No.1, p.22-32 (Engl.transl. Solar System Research, v.35, No.1, p.18-28)
Tejfel V.G. - The cyclone om Mars : observations in 1999. Astron.vestnik, 2001, v.35, No.3 (Engl.transl. Solar System Research, 2001, v.35, No.3, p.139-141
Tejfel V.G., Glushkova E.A., Kharitonova G.A. - Mutual phenomena in the Jovian satellites system from CCD-observations in 1997. Proc. National Acad.Sci.Kazakhstan, 2000, No.3, p.54-59 (in Russian).
Vdovichenko V.D., Kirienko G.A., Nosova T.P., Mosina S.A. - Absolute photometry of Mars. Proc. National Acad.Sci., 2000, No. , p. (in Russian)
Thuillot, W.; Arlot, J.-E.; Blanco, C.; Colas, F.; Ruatti, C.; Berthier, J.; Czech, W.; Damani, M.; D'Ambrosio, V.; Descamps, P.; Dourneau, G.; Emelianov, N.; Foglia, S.; Helmer, G.; Irsmambetova, T. R.; James, N.; Laques, P.; Lecacheux, J.; Le Campion, J.-F.; Ledoux, C.; Le Floch, J.-C.; Oprescu, G.; Rapaport, M.; Riccioli, R.; Starosta, B.; Tejfel V.G.: Trunkovsky, E. M.; Viateau,B.; Veiga, C. H.; Vu, D. T. - The PHESAT95 catalogue of observations of the mutual events of the Saturnian satellites regions. Astron.&Astrophysics, 2001, v.371,p.343-362
Emelianov N.V., Berejnoi A.A., Vashkovjak S.N., Glushkova E.A., Gorda S.Yu., Delets A., Dorokhova T.N., Dorokhov N.I., Esipov V.F., Izmailov I.S., Irsmambetova T.R., Kiselev A.A., Kiseleva T.P., Kornilov V.G., Kucherov V., Ledovskaya I., Mukhamednazarov S., Raskhozhev V.N., Tejfel V.G., Charitonova G.A. - Mutual positions of the galilean satellites of Jupiter from photometric observations during their mutual occultations and eclipses in 1997. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Supplement Series. 2000 v.141, N2, p.433-447.
Emelianov N.V., Irsmambetova T.R., Kiseleva T.P., Tejfel V.G., Vashkovjak S.N., Glushkova E.A., Kornilov V.G., Charitonova G.A. - Photometry and position observations of Saturnian satellites during their mutual eclipses and occultations in 1995 performed at the Observatories in Russia and Kazakhstan. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Supplement Series. October 1, 1999. V. 139. P. 47-56.
Tejfel V.G. - Planetary research has long history in Kazakhstan. Earth in Space, 1998, v.11, N 2, p.11-13
Vdovichenko V.D., Nosova T.P., Kirienko G.A. - Spectrophotometry of Mars during the 1992-1993 visibility period. Astron.vestnik, 1998, v.32, N 3, p.226-235 (in Russian).English translation in Solar System Research.
Tejfel V.G. - Planetary research has long history in Kazakstan. Eos - Transactions of American Geophysical Union, 1998, v.79, N20, pp.237,240-242
Emelyanov N.V., Irsmambetova T.R., Tejfel V.G. - Astrometric results of the photometric observations of mutual occultations and eclipses in the Saturn satellites system. Astron.vestnik, 1997, v.31, N 6, p.491-500 (in Russian). English translation in Solar System Res.
Tejfel V.G. - The distribution of the molecular absorption on Saturn's disk in 1995 from the zonal spectrophotometry with CCD-camera. The results of observations. Astron.vestnik, 1997, v.31, N 3, c.1-10. English translation in Solar System Res.
Tejfel V.G. - Atmosphere of the planet Saturn - the asymmetry of the structure from astrophysical observations. News of Kazakhstan science, 1997, N 2, p.13-15 (in Russian).
Tejfel V.G. - Planetary monitoring - the objectives and perspectives. Abstr. Internat.Conference "Results and Perspectives of planetary research" Ulianovsk, 10-14 Nov.1997, p.20-21 (in Russian).
Tejfel V.G., Kharitonova G.A., Glushkova E.A., Sinyaeva N.V.- The study of latitudinal asymmetry in the structure of Jupiter's and Saturn's atmospheres. Abstr. Internat.Conference "Results and Perspectives of planetary research", Ulianovsk, 10-14 Nov.1997, p.25-26. (in Russian)
Tejfel V.G. - Zonal structure and hemispheric asymmetry of Saturn's atmosphere."Planetary Systems - the long view". Abstracts for Blois Conference, France, 22-28 June 1997, p.60-61
Tejfel V.G., Kharitonova G.A. - Zonal differences of the atmospheric structure on Saturn from the CCD-photometry and spectrophotometry in 1995 and 1996. European Geophysical Society General Assembly Vienna, 21-25 April 1997, Ann.Geophys.Suppl.p.C773
Tejfel V.G. - Zonal spectrophotometry of Saturn's disk with electronic CCD-camera. Transact.Acad.Sci. Kazakhstan (physics-mathematics serie) 1996, N4, p.24-29 (in Russian)
Emelyanov N.V., Irsmambetova T.R., Tejfel V.G. - Astrometric results of the photometric observations of mutual occultations and eclipses in the Saturn satellites system. Abstracts for the Conference " Observations of natural and artificial bodies of the Solar system", S.-Petersburg, 26-28 Nov.1996, p.55-57 (in Russian).
Tejfel V.G. - Observations of the impact-regions appeared after Jupiter and comet Shoemaker-Levy collision. Reports National Academy of Sciences Republic of Kazakhstan, 1995, N1, p.11-18
Tejfel V.G. - History of ground-based planetary research in the Former Soviet Union. Observatory Techniques, 1996, N 17, p.4-5
Tejfel V.G., Beebe R. - Mapping of the methane absorption distribution on Saturn's disk from CCD-observations near the ring plane crossing in 1995 Abstracts for 28th Annual Meeting of Division for Planetary Sciences of AAS, Tucson,October 1996, p.1128
Tejfel V.G., Aksenov A.N., Vdovichenko V.D., Gaisina V.N., Sinyaeva N.V., Kharitonova G.A., Mosina S.A. - Spectrophotometry of zonal cloud structure variations on Jupiter in 1988-1992. J.Geophys.Research -Planets, v.99, N E4, 1994, p.8411-8423
Tejfel V.G. - Comparative analysis of Saturn's photometry data from the groundbased observations and measurements from Hubble Space Telescope. Astron.vestnik, 1994, v.20, N4-5, p.120-132 (in Russian). Translation in Solar System Research.
Tejfel V.G. - It may be happened once at ten millions years but we shall see it. Zemlya i Vselennaya (Earth and Universe), 1993, N6, p.93-95 (in Russian)